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Piano Lessons

Piano Lessons: Image


Private Piano Instruction
30 Minutes

One on one private piano instruction. Lessons are fun and focus on technique and musicianship skills. The length of these lessons cater to younger students and beginning students.


Private Piano Instruction
60 Minutes

One on one private instruction. These lessons are fun and dive deeper into the music and the instrument. These lessons are great for intermediate to advance level students and for students who are ready and willing to learn more about the piano.

Piano Lessons: List

About Lessons

Lessons are are held weekly or bi-weekly, depending on the needs and wants of the student. Lessons are fun and educational. We focus on music interact, musicianship skills, and understanding the complexities of the piano. My goal as a teacher is to help my students in every way that I can to be come strong, confident musicians. There is nothing that I love more than helping my students to find their passion for music.

Piano Lessons: Text

My Policies

Piano Lessons: List


Payments are to be paid in advance at the beginning of each month. If you have any questions, concerns, or financial limitations please let me know and we can discuss a plan for payment.


Cancellations are non-refundable. You are paying to reserve your time slot in my schedule. 

  • Please notify me of cancellations at least 1 week in advance, I allow for 5 make-up lessons a year, these can be used at any time and for any reason, as long as I am given notice of the cancellation. 

  • If I ever cancel a lesson I will provide you with a makeup lesson. 

Termination of Lessons

One months notice and pay is required before the stopping of lessons. This month starts when I am notified by the parental guardian of a student, or by the student themselves if they are above the age of 18, that they wish to end lessons. The lessons during this time period will be made available to you if you wish to use them.

School Breaks and Holidays

I teach through all school breaks, including summer. If your lesson happens to fall on a holiday, we will reschedule that particular lesson if you or I need/want too. If not we can continue as normal with our lesson! If you plan to travel please review the cancelations section for information about how to reschedule lessons.


Students are required to practice regularly and consistently. This is to ensure progress is being made. I will do all that I can to help your child improve in their musical abilities, but in order for me to do this, it is essential that they are doing their part as well. There is little that I can do for a child who hasn’t practiced. Consistent lack of practicing can lead to the termination of lessons. 



I am a very patient and a gentle teacher. I try to make lessons as fun and as exciting for my students as I can. However, I maintain a standard of high commitment with my students. I expect respect and dedication. I expect students to listen and to apply my teachings to their practices


Health and Safety

I ask all students to please stay home if they are showing any signs of illness or if anyone in their family is showing any signs of illness! If the student is well in these situations I do offer virtual lessons that are very effective and fun in place fo their usual lesson. Upon arrival at my home all students are directed to a bathroom to wash hands immediately and I keep hand sanitizer next to the piano as well! I do not require that you wear masks, however, I have a mask that I will wear if you wish for me to do so! 


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